Spare YubiKeys (2024)

Having spare keys is a best practice which ensures that if we lose our primary key, we still won’t be locked out of our important accounts

Spare YubiKeys (1)

Think of your YubiKey as you would any other key

The importance of having a spare key is well established. We have them for our most valuable assets in life – our houses, our cars, our PO and safety deposit boxes, etc. Well not surprisingly, we also need spare keys for our digital devices!

Importance of having a spare

Having a spare key gives you the assurance that if you lose your primary key, you will not be without access to critical accounts when needing them most.

No need to fear being locked out of any accounts, and no need to go through a lengthy recovery and identity verification process to regain access to each account.

How to register a spare

Registering a spare key is exactly the same process as registering your primary key. Please information on how to register your YubiKeys. Once you identify the specific YubiKey you’d like to set up, select the services you want to register your YubiKey with and simply follow the instructions. Voila!

Protip: The best time to register your spare keys is at the same time as your primary key. By registering all of your keys at the same time, you only have to visit each service once, plus you eliminate your chance of losing your primary key before having a chance to register your backup keys.

Spare YubiKeys (4)

Where to store your spares

When your spares arrive, make sure to keep them somewhere safe but accessible – like in a wallet, file cabinet, or personal safe. If you choose to stay with one YubiKey, that’s fine, but be careful not to lose or misplace it. If you do, you may be without access to your accounts for a while.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many spares should I get?

A: Many of our customers actually purchase several spares for maximum security and peace of mind. This is not a bad idea when guarding extremely critical accounts. Starting off, you should be fine with 1-2 spare keys.

Q: How many spares can I add to each service/account?

A: It depends on the service. Lastpass, for example, allows you to add five YubiKeys per account. Check your service’s security settings for more info.

Q: Should my spare key be the exact same as my primary key?

A: Nope, this is not necessary. There is nothing wrong with purchasing a backup key that is a different form factor than your primary key. It will work the same as long as it is from the same YubiKey series.

Q: Do I have to register my backup key immediately?

A: No, but it is highly recommended. If your backup key isn’t registered to your accounts and you lose your primary key, then it will be of no help to you. The point of having a registered backup key is that when you lose your primary key, you can still login to all of your accounts because you have a second verified security key.

Get your spare YubiKey now

Spare YubiKeys (2024)


How many YubiKeys should I have? ›

Starting off, you should be fine with 1-2 spare keys. Q: How many spares can I add to each service/account? A: It depends on the service. Lastpass, for example, allows you to add five YubiKeys per account.

Can you use two YubiKeys for one account? ›

Each physical YubiKey token has its own unique identifier. YubiKey recommends having more than one token to reduce the risk of being locked out of your account because of token loss. You can link up to 5 YubiKey tokens with your account.

Do you need to buy 2 YubiKeys? ›

We at Yubico always recommend having more than one YubiKey. This way, one key can be used as a primary key, and the other can be used as a spare. Please note that for security reasons, the firmware of our products does not allow stored secrets to be read, meaning it is not possible to “clone” or "duplicate" a YubiKey.

Is one YubiKey enough? ›

While one YubiKey is enough to get started with, I have several. Not only does this give me a backup in case I lose one (I haven't yet!), but if I pick a couple with different connectors (say the USB-C/Lightning and a USB-A with NFC), this gives me the flexibility to log into accounts across a range of devices.

What is the life expectancy of a YubiKey? ›

The counter starts at zero and is incremented each time the device is plugged in. Two bytes for the session counter allows for 2(2*8) = 65,536 sessions. In other words, you can plug in the Yubikey three times a day for almost 60 years before running out of session counters.

Can you add a second YubiKey? ›

To do this, you will first need to use the Yubico Authenticator app to scan the QR code that was issued to the first security key by the service. Then get the QR code for the second security key. Scan it with the same app and link them that way. After that, you can use any of these keys for authentication.

Can I leave my YubiKey plugged in all the time? ›

Do I need to keep my yubikey plugged in all the time? A. No, you only need to insert your yubikey when you are prompted to do so during login. Leaving it plugged in could result in the yubikey being lost or damaged.

Can you use the same YubiKey on multiple computers? ›

Yes! Just plug your YubiKey into any computer and log in the way you normally would. That's really it—you'll be able to log in to all of your accounts, same as before. You can use your YubiKey to log in on as many devices as you want, so long as there's a slot for it.

Can I reuse an old YubiKey? ›

Should YubiKeys be reused? YubiKeys could be reused. There are a number of considerations that need to be taken into account when deciding on whether or not to reuse YubiKeys. Besides removing and reissuing credentials, tracking systems may need to be updated.

Is there a better alternative to YubiKey? ›

Competitors and Alternatives to Yubico YubiKey
  • Microsoft Azure Active Directory.
  • Okta Adaptive Multi-Factor Authentication.
  • Imprivata OneSign.
  • SecureAuth Arculix.
  • RSA SecurID Access.
  • PingOne Cloud Platform.
  • Bio-key ID Director (Legacy)
  • HID Global ActivID Tap Authentication (Legacy)

How many passwords does YubiKey hold? ›

OATH (Yubico Authenticator) - the YubiKey 5's OATH application can hold up to 32 OATH-TOTP credentials (AKA authenticator app codes).

What happens if I lose my YubiKey? ›

If you lose your Yubikey, you can still use your phone authenticator app, but you cannot create a backup Yubikey. However, Yubikey also provides methods to recover your account, so you can get a replacement. An advantage to Yubikey is that it comes on a USB that cannot be identified.

Does YubiKey prevent hackers? ›

YubiKeys are the most effective tool to prevent cyber attacks. They work with any device to add secure and easy-to-use protection against phishing for all online accounts.

How many security keys should I have? ›

Most people should have at least two security keys: one for everyday use and a backup key that can stay somewhere secure, such as in a safe, if you lose your everyday key. Some people may want additional keys for different devices. Additionally, the security key ecosystem has some rough edges.

Does 1 password work with YubiKey? ›

Overview. The YubiKey and 1Password together provide an additional layer of security to your personal and business accounts. With two-factor authentication enabled with your 1Password accounts, you effectively protect your credentials and accounts from unauthorized access.

Can YubiKey get malware? ›

Yubico's YubiKey is built on a foundation of strong authentication. This robust resistance to phishing offers malware protection because it hinges on the ability to detect these attacks before they take place.

Is YubiKey a keylogger? ›

It's also commonly abused as a keylogger when those systems are compromised, and I created the xinput-keylog-decoder tool for that purpose. Since the YubiKey is essentially a keyboard, the first thing I did to start capturing its keypresses was to identify its ID number within xinput.

Can YubiKey get wet? ›

The YubiKey is not only ultra-thin, crush safe and battery-free, it is water-resistant as well. It has both survived diving 48 meters down in salt water and more than two months of laundry.

Can I resell YubiKey? ›

Certified Reseller

Certified Resellers are authorized to resell YubiKeys to customers only in the specified countries or regions.

How do I reset my YubiKey for a new user? ›

The device can be physically reset to its factory settings. To do this, while inserting the device into a USB port, press the metal rim as you insert the device and continue to press the rim for a minimum of 10 seconds.

Why is YubiKey so expensive? ›

It is costly to design, mould, manufacture, sell and support a hardware product, even something as small as this. Since you don't want your 2FA company to go out of business there is good value in knowing they have a stable business model that can actually support a company rather than just burning capital.

How do I safely eject my YubiKey? ›

How can I safely remove my YubiKey? The YubiKey identifies as a USB keyboard to your PC, and does not need to be ejected when removed – you can just pull it out!

Can I use YubiKey for all my passwords? ›

The solution: YubiKey + password manager

Using a password manager application is the best way to create and maintain unique and strong passwords for all your account logins, and protecting your password manager with a YubiKey is the most secure way to manage multiple digital credentials.

Does a YubiKey need to be plugged in all the time? ›

Do I need to keep my yubikey plugged in all the time? A. No, you only need to insert your yubikey when you are prompted to do so during login.

Can I use a YubiKey with everything? ›

The YubiKey supports one-time passcodes (OTP)

This means OTP protocols can work across all OSs and environments that support USB keyboards, as well as with any app that can accept keyboard input.

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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

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Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.