5 rarest cards in Coin Master (2024)

Coin Master's gameplay is far more diverse than just spinning the slot machine and building your village. Many elements like pets and card sets are constantly being added by the developers to keep the game engaging for users. Interestingly, pets can also be unlocked by completing card sets after changes in a recent update.

After Lv.5, players start receiving various cards as rewards after completing each level.

5 rarest cards in Coin Master (1)

Cards that are hard to obtain in Coin Master in January 2022

It is a common misconception that the cards received at higher levels are more valuable than those received earlier. In truth, most cards obtained at higher levels are constantly being traded in the official Coin Master Facebook group, making them far more readily available than many cards found in early ranks.

Currently, the rarest cards in Coin Master are:

5) Cosmic Carl

5 rarest cards in Coin Master (2)

The Cosmic Carl card fills the fourth slot on the Coin Master card set Warriors. It is the last card to be obtained in this set and grants four stars on its own, separate from the rewards of the card set.

Users should safeguard this card if they receive it again later, as it is highly in-demand during trade events.

4) Farmer Feng

5 rarest cards in Coin Master (3)

The Farmer Feng card fills the sixth slot in the Coin Master card set China. It is the second card to be obtained in this set and grants six stars when paired with the earlier card, Princess Pai.

The China card set is one of the longest-ranging card sets, so new gamers are advised not to trade their Farmer Feng card as it will not be available later in the game.

3) Andromeda

5 rarest cards in Coin Master (4)

The Andromeda card fills the seventh slot in the Coin Master card set Space. It is the starter card for the set and grants the player five stars when acquired.

The card, and the related card set, was released as a special reward for those completing the 100th level, giving it extra collectible value.

2) Barrel Tank

5 rarest cards in Coin Master (5)

The Barrel Tank card fills the sixth slot in the Coin Master card set Goblins. The complete set grants three stars and about 30 million in gold, and this is one of the first cards users obtain from this set.

This is one of the first card sets in the game that provides gold upon completion.

1) Armstrong

5 rarest cards in Coin Master (6)

The Armstrong card fills the first slot in the Coin Master card set Circus. Interestingly, it is also the first card that gamers obtain. The Circus set is one of the most profitable card sets in Coin Master, but most players are unable to avail of the card in the village where it is available.

Auctions for the card have run up big numbers on eBay as it is currently the rarest card in Coin Master.

Players should keep checking this space to keep themselves updated about any changes in the rarity of different featured cards.

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Edited by Ravi Iyer


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5 rarest cards in Coin Master (2024)
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